I've been busy working on my Fallschirmjager minis and with a little luck and even less sleep I should have most of them finished by the end of the week. So like all good wargamers I'm already thinking ahead to my next project: the US Airborne.
They're a much simpler model to paint so I'm hoping to get them finished in the first week of the holidays. While reading some posts on the Warlord forums I noticed a few posts talking about 28mm insignia and rank decals. I had thought about painting this stuff onto the minis in the past but it's a lot of very fiddly work and my brush skills just aren't up to scratch so I wandered over to Company B and bought a sheet of these for $6.40US including postage. They can't be much more painful than putting 1.5mm roundels onto 1/600 aircraft... can they? Well time will tell.

If these go well I think I'll have to grab a sheet each for the Germans and British minis.
Do put these on infantry also. Can let kbnow more please